Garden Bouquet
$75.00 – $95.00
Garden Bouquet
This is such a sweet bundle to brighten someone’s day. Or maybe a treat for yourself. Beautiful fresh, locally grown, and seasonal flowers. Our flower recipe changes through the seasons so what is pictured will differ to yours. But don’t worry- it will still be just as beautiful!
Important: Flowers are avaliable for delivery or pickup on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Orders must be in the day before.
To have a look at the flowers we currently have going, head over to our Facebook or Instagram page.
Tip: To get the most from your fresh cut flowers, trim the stems, place in clean water add a teaspoon of lemon (or a drop of bleach) and a teaspoon of sugar. Change the water every 2-3days. Keep away from direct sunlight or heating.
If the recipient of our flowers is not home at the time of delivery we will leave the flowers in a secure sheltered area for the recipient to find. We can do morning or afternoon deliveries, no specific times. We are closed Sundays and public holidays.
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Size | Iti, Waenga |
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